Events I’m Attending in 2024

Here are the various events I’ll be attending in 2024. Conferences with asterisks next to them are those I’ll be speaking at. Shoot me an email if you plan to be at one of these, and I’d love to connect!

Want me to speak at an event? Click here for more information on speaking requests.

April 4-6:  Cincinnati, Ohio*
Great Homeschool Convention. Click here to learn more about the event. 

April 12-13: Bluefield, West Virginia
Hope Words Conference. Click here to learn more about the event. 

May 2-4: Pigeon Forge, Tennessee*
Teach Them Diligently Convention. Click here to learn more about the event. 

June 12-15: Wheaton, Illinois
Write-to-Publish Conference. Click here to learn more about the event. 

July 18-20: St. Louis, Missouri
Realm Makers Conference. Click here to learn more about the event. 

July 26-27: Upland, Illinois*
Taylor University Professional Writers Conference. Click here to learn more about the event.

July 29 – August 2: Lake Junaluska, North Carolina*
Young Writer Retreat.

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