Learn the Strategies I’m Using to Pursue Publication

Finding a publisher is hard. But over the past few years, I’ve studied effective pitching strategies. So far, practicing them has led to manuscript requests from my two top-choice agents this summer.

I’d love to introduce you to what strategies I’ve used so far, like…

  • Developing a story idea that would appeal to agents.
  • Crafting a compelling one-sentence pitch for my novel.
  • Growing my platform to impress agents and publishers.
  • Going about putting together a book proposal.
  • And much more!

I’ll also let you know what other strategies I use–and whether they work or don’t work–so you can learn from my experience.

Click the button below to get the inside scoop of what I’ve learned and am currently practicing.

Copyright © 2024 · Josiah DeGraaf · Writing Stories that Matter

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